
У цьому розділі розміщена інформація стосовно конференцій, які організовуються членами ГО УНІТ.

Dear colleagues,

We apologize if you have already received information and an invitation to this conference.

👋 Dear Colleagues,
We would like to invite participants to the 14th International IEEE Conference on Dependable Systems, Services and Technologies (DESSERT’2024)!

2024 Theme:
🧠 Trustworthy AI, Internet of Robotics, and Big Data for a Safe and Secure World

📍 Venue: Greece, Athens
October 11-13, 2024
❗️ DESSERT’2024 will be held in a mixed format – an online format will be accepted for authors from Ukraine.

Submissions must be made in .pdf or .doc/.docx by using EasyChair Conference Management System. Accepted papers presented at the DESSERT will be published in Conference Proceedings, available in the IEEE Xplore and indexed by Scopus: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=dessert2024

📫 Prospective authors are invited to submit a paper of a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 8 pages. Submissions must be made in .pdf or .doc/.docx by using EasyChair Conference Management System.
Please submit your paper to the applicable DESSERT’2024 Track.

🗓 Important Dates
▪️ Workshop proposal submission: July 22, 2024
▪️ Notification of Workshop proposal acceptance: July 25, 2024
▪️ Paper submission: August 12, 2024
▪️ Notification of paper acceptance: September 9, 2024
▪️ Final manuscript: September 16, 2024
▪️ Registration and payment: September 20, 2024
▪️ Program draft publication: September 23, 2024
▪️ Conference date: October 11-13, 2024

Please, visit https://www.dessert-conf.org/  for more details and find the CFP as an attachment.

🌐 All information concerning DESSERT2024 is available at: https://www.dessert-conf.org/dessert-2024/

➡️ Organizing Committee Postal Address: Department 503, IEEE-DESSERT’2024 Organizing Committee, National Aerospace University KhAI, Vadym Manko str., 17, Kharkiv, 61070, Ukraine
📱 Phone: +38 (066) 5389293, +38 (096) 1305556
📧 e-mail: dessert@csn.khai.edu Olena Surynovych


XII International Scientific and Practical Conference “Information Control Systems &Technologies (ICST-2024)”

Organized by the Odessa Polytechnic National University, Kiev National University, T. Shevchenko, Kharkov National University of Radio Electronics, National Aviation University; Odessa National University, I.I. Mechnikov, Sumy State University, Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding; Lodz Technical University, Azerbaijan State Oil Industry University, Anhalt University of Applied Sciences, Caten, Germany, CEUR-WS.

      Address: Shevchenko avenue, 1, Odessa, 65044, Ukraine

       Web-page  http://icst-conf.com/main-eng.html


       Phone+38 (048) 705-85-69  E-mailicst_nuop@ukr.net126.ist.onpu@gmail.com

     The ICST-2024 production is submitted for online publication in a separate volume of CEUR Conference Proceedings (Aachen, Germany, ISSN 1613-0073), indexed by Scopus and DBLP.

     Selected articles in expanded form will be published in a collective monograph.

Important dates:

Deadline for submission request – June 20, 2024

Deadline for submission paper – June 30, 2024

Notification of pre-acceptance, peer reviewers comments – July 30, 2024

Notification of acceptance – August 30, 2024

Participation in ICST-ODESSA-2023 free of charge.

Сonference sections:

1. Information control systems

– 1.1.Blockchain and Crypto Technologies

– 1.2.Control Systems in Robotic Systems

– 1.3.Data Security and Cryptography

– 1.4.ICT in Network and Administration

– 1.5.Methodology and Didactics of Teaching and Using ICT

2. Intelligent systems and data analysis

– 2.1.Data Mining Technologies and Big Data

– 2.2.intelligent control technologies

– 2.3.Artificial neural networks and machine learning

– 2.4.Applied intelligent systems

– 2.5.Intellectual models and knowledge engineering technologies

– 2.6.Multi-agent systems and distributed computing

3. Modeling and software engineering

– 3.1.Mathematical and simulation modeling

– 3.2.Project management and risk assessment

– 3.3.Design and development of software applications

– 3.4.Software testing automation

– 3.5.Agile methodologies and business processes formalization

CFP and information letter are attached below.

Organizing Committee of the X International Scientific and Practical Conference “INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES”  (ICST-Odessa-2024)



Харківський національний автомобільно-дорожній університет запрошує прийняти участь студентів та молодих вчених у Всеукраїнській науково-практичній конференції здобувачів вищої освіти та молодих учених «СУЧАСНІ ІНФОРМАЦІЙНІ ТЕХНОЛОГІЇ», яка відбудеться 26 квітня 2024 року у Харківському національному автомобільно дорожньому університеті в режимі online.


Dear Colleagues!

The 1st International Workshop on Intelligent & CyberPhysical Systems (ICyberPhyS-2024) will be held in Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine during June 27-28, 2024. The workshop is organized by the Computer Engineering & Information Systems Department of Khmelnytskyi National University with the support of the PUBLIC ORGANIZATION “UKRAINIAN SCIENTIFIC AND EDUCATIONAL IT SOCIETY” (PО “USE IT”).

The ICyberPhyS-2024 focuses on all technical and practical aspects of the latest research and results of international academicians, scientists, and practitioners related to intelligent systems and cyberphysical systems. This workshop provides opportunities to exchange new ideas, establish business or research relations, and find global partners for future collaboration. We hope that the workshop results make a significant contribution to the development of intelligent & cyberphysical systems in Ukraine.

Participation and publication are free of charge.

Proceedings of the ICyberPhyS-2024 shall be submitted to CEUR-WS.org (ISSN 1613-0073) for online publication and are planned to be indexed in Scopus & DBLP.


Dear Colleagues!

We are glad to invite you to participate in the 5th International Workshop on Intelligent Information Technologies & Systems of Information Security (IntelITSIS-2024), which will be held in Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine, during March 27-29, 2024.

The workshop is organized by Computer Engineering & Information Systems Department of Khmelnytskyi National University with the support of the PUBLIC ORGANIZATION “UKRAINIAN SCIENTIFIC AND EDUCATIONAL IT SOCIETY” (PО “USE IT”).

Participation and publication are free of charge.

Proceedings of the IntelITSIS-2024 shall be submitted to CEUR-WS.org (ISSN 1613-0073) and planned to be indexed in Scopus and DBLP.

Web-page of Workshop: http://kiis.khmnu.edu.ua/intelitsis-2024/

Workshop topics

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

– Intelligent information technologies

– Systems of information security

In 2024, the 5th International Workshop on Intelligent Information Technologies & Systems of Information Security (IntelITSIS-2024) will be exclusively devoted to Intelligent information technologies and Systems of information security. Accordingly, the workshop will have 2 sections:

– Intelligent information technologies

– Systems of information security

We ask authors to submit articles for this workshop only on such topics. At the request of the CEUR-WS publisher, we have to reduce the number of papers accepted for the workshop, so we decided to reduce the topics and sections of our workshop.

In addition, we are announcing the new 1st International Workshop on Intelligent & CyberPhysical Systems (ICyberPhyS-2024) – http://kiis.khmnu.edu.ua/icyberphys-2024/, which will be held on June 27-29, 2024 and which will be devoted to:

– Computer systems and networks

– Cyberphysical systems

– Internet of Things

– Smart city & smart house

Authors are invited to submit only regular papers (10-20 pages) in English.

One author (co-author) might submit a maximum of two papers.

Your submission should be prepared using Microsoft Word CEUR-ART Template (see web-page of Workshop).

All papers for participation in the workshop should be submitted via e-mail: intelitsis@gmail.com


Paper submission deadline: February 20, 2024 (the deadline is final, no extension of submission is planned)

Notification of acceptance: March 17, 2024

Camera-ready submission deadline: March 24, 2024

Workshop period: March 27-29, 2024


Організаційний комітет запрошує взяти участь в роботі XІ Міжнародної науково-технічної конференції “Інформатика, управління та штучний інтелект (ІУШІ-2024)”, яка відбудеться 09 – 12 травня 2024 р. на території спортивно-оздоровчого центру «Політехнік» НТУ «ХПІ» у Фігуровці (Україна, м. Чугуїв, Харківська обл.)

Напрямки роботи конференції:

1. Інформаційні технології.

2. Обчислювальні мережі і системи, елементи і пристрої обчислювальної техніки та систем


3. Інженерія програмного забезпечення.

4. Застосування математичного моделювання в техніці, медицині та економіці.

5. Діагностика, контроль і надійність цифрових пристроїв і систем.

6. Нейрокомп’ютери і нейронні мережі.

7. Розпізнавання образів і обробка зображень.

8. М’які обчислення в інформатиці, моделюванні та управлінні.

9. Телекомунікаційні системи, мережі і технології.

10. Інтелектуальні медичні системи підтримки прийняття рішень.

11. Інформаційні системи і технології в економіці та управлінні.

12. Кібербезпека.

13. Автоматизація технологічних і виробничих процесів.

14. Комп’ютерно-інтегровані технології.

15. Комп’ютеризовані мехатронні системи.

16. Штучний інтелект та сучасні інформаційні технології при створенні контенту, розробці та впровадженні відео-ігор.

Контрольні строки:

21.04.2024 – Надання оргкомітету готових до друку тез доповідей обсягом одна сторінка формату А5.

30.04.2024 – Повідомлення про включення доповіді до програми конференції.

01.05.2024 – Оплата оргвнеску.

Мови конференції: Українська, англійська.

Форма проведення конференції: Змішана (очна та дистанційна).

Подача заявки і матеріалів конференції:

Електронні матеріали для видань конференції та заявку учасників повинні бути подані на e-mаil: mykola.mezentsev@khpi.edu.ua.

Контактні телефони: +38 (098) 859-88-98 (Мезенцев Микола Вікторович).


Dear friends and colleagues!

We are pleased to inform you that the 8th International Conference on Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems (CoLInS2024) will take place on April 12-13, 2024.

The event will be held at Lviv Polytechnic National University. The registration is already available at Easy Chair and the CoLInS site.

Aim and Topics

The aim of the CoLInS is to provide a scientific forum for sharing and discussing new developments in computer linguistics and intelligent systems. We kindly invite you to prepare and submit a research paper on the following topics and subtopics:


1.1. Natural Language Processing

1.2. Corpus Technologies, Ontologies and Computer Lexicography

1.3. Computer-Based Discourse Analysis and Social Media Analysis


2.1. Applied Intelligent Systems

2.2. Machine Learning Technology

Please look through the keywords for each topic and subtopic.

We are on social media

If you want to watch video presentations and online translations of previous CoLIns sessions, you are welcome to visit our YouTube channel. Follw us on Facebook and LinkedIn to get the latest knews about CoLInS.

Paper preparation

Please kindly study the paper selection requirements when preparing your submission. The format and style shall be as per CEUR template. A formatting example with short explanations can be downloaded here.

The minimum size is 10 pages, except for invited papers (represented by key-note speakers). All papers shall be submitted in PDF format using direct Easy Chair or via Conference site http://colins.in.ua/call-for-paper/.

Paper publication and indexing

All the papers that have been rigorously peer-reviewed and thoroughly evaluated by the Program Committee are submitted for publication to CEURWS.org.

All previous papers published in CEUR-WS.org proceedings have been indexed in Scopus, Web of Science, DBLP and Google Scholar. The proceedings and materials of the previous CoLInS are available on the conference site.

Student section

The Organizing Committee invites the students and PhD students to join the student section, running at the same time with the conference. The students’ and PhD students’ participation in the section is free.

All the papers by the students and/or PhD students shall be submitted at colins.in.ua@gmail.com.

Important dates are as follows:

Paper Submission deadline: 28 February 2024

Notification of acceptance: 27 March 2024

Notification for camera-ready: 9 April 2024

Conference: 12-13 April 2024

The conference attendance is free!

Additional Information

For more information on the conference and paper submissions, kindly visit the conference site http://colins.in.ua/ or send us an e-mail at colins.in.ua@gmail.com.

Welcome to the CoLInS conference!

Шановні колеги!

Якщо Ви чи Ваші знайомі мають можливість виступити в ролі рецензентів міжнародної конференції Conference on Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems (CoLInS 2024, https://colins.in.ua/), партнером якої є ГО «УНІТ», запрошуємо заповнити відповідну форму: https://forms.gle/ewj9g3UdACr6eiYCA


We are glad to invite you to participate in the 4th International Workshop on Intelligent Information Technologies & Systems of Information Security (IntelITSIS-2023), which will be held in Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine, during March 22-24, 2023.
The workshop is organized by Computer Engineering & Information Systems Department of Khmelnytskyi National University with the support of the PUBLIC ORGANIZATION “UKRAINIAN SCIENTIFIC AND EDUCATIONAL IT SOCIETY” (PО “USE IT”).

Participation and publication are free of charge.
Proceedings of the IntelITSIS-2023 shall be submitted to CEUR-WS.org (ISSN 1613-0073) and planned to be indexed in Scopus, Web of Science and DBLP.

Wep-page of Workshop: http://kiis.khmnu.edu.ua/intelitsis-2023/

Workshop topics

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

        Intelligent information technologies

        Systems of information security

        Computer systems and networks

Authors are invited to submit only regular paper (10-20 pages) in English.

One author (co-author) might submit a maximum of two papers.

IntelITSIS uses CEUR-ART style (1 column) for the proceedings. Your submission should be prepared using Microsoft Word CEUR-ART Template (http://kiis.khmnu.edu.ua/wp-content/uploads/sites/31/ceur-template-1col.docx)

All papers for participation in the workshop should be submitted via EasyChair system: https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=intelitsis2023

Additional important requirements for submission:

  • The title of paper should be not very long (until 13 words including THE, IN, FOR, etc.) and should be exactly corresponded to the research results which are discussed in the paper. Please, avoid using same words in the title of paper twice.
  • The paper should not have more than 5 co-authors.
  • Authors can submit only regular paper (10-20 pages).
  • Paper structure should generally include: Abstract; Keywords; Introduction; Related Works; Proposed methodology/model/technique; Results/Discussions; Conclusion; References.
  • The references list MUST NOT be very short or long without the need. It’s recommend that the references list consists of no more than 20-25 sources.
  • The authors ARE OBLIGED to use the results of international research in the references.
  • References should be, mostly, modern, NOT OLDER than 5-8 years.
  • Authors SHOULD NOT use references only to a narrow circle of authors from their educational institution or several institutions. One cascade (group) citation should be no more than 15% of all references.
  • Usually self-citation MUST NOT exceed 12-15% of all references.
  • Percentage of local publications (a total of your own and from your country) must be less than 20% in the Reference list.
  • All references should be presented in English and if it is strongly necessary – with notation (in Ukrainian), (in Russian), etc.
  • English MUST BE proofread.
  • The paper MUST follow the formatting rules. Please, pay your attention especially on font’s size and style used for paper title and section/subsection headers, figure and table captions. Please, double-check formatting style of the list of references.
  • The quality of all figures should be very high for good reproduction during CEUR publication. All illustrative figures should be provided by caption signatures. All abbreviations should be preliminary explained. The size of the letters and numbers in the formulas and in the formulas’ fragments in the text should be the same.

Important dates

Paper submission deadline: February 13, 2023 (the deadline is final, no extension of submission is planned)   

Notification of acceptance: March 6, 2023

Camera-ready submission deadline: March 13, 2023

Workshop period: March 22-24, 2023

Best regards,

Prof. Tetiana Hovorushchenko

Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Full Professor

Head of Computer Engineering & Information Systems Department

Chair of the Specialized Academic Council D70.052.06

Editor-in-Chief of Computer Systems and Information Technologies Journal

General Chair of International Workshop on Intelligent Information Technologies & Information Security Systems (IntelITSIS)

Khmelnytskyi National University

Institutska Str., 11

Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine 29016

tel. +38095-11-22-544


Invitation Letter

Dear friends and colleagues!

Happy New Year and prosperous Merry Christmas to you! May the next 2023 year
bring you health and happiness, new goals and new achievements!
We are pleased to inform you that the 7th International Conference on
Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems (CoLInS2023) will take place
on April 20-21, 2023.

We would like to invite you for the event. The registration is already available at
Easy Chair and at the CoLInS site.

If you are interested in computational linguistics and intelligent systems and you’d
like to share your own developments this conference is for you.

The Important dates are as follows:
Paper Submission deadline: 1 March 2023
Notification of acceptance: 22 March 2023
Notification for camera-ready: 5 April 2023
Conference: 20-21 April 2023

Welcome to the CoLInS conference!

Visit us at: https://colins.in.ua/

Detailed information

CoLInS 2023 Program Committee and Co-Chairs:
Professor Vasyl Lytvyn and Professor Nataliia Sharonova


Криворізьким національним університетом під егідою ГО УНІТ було проведено14-ту всеукраїнську науково-технічну конференцію аспірантів, студентів та молодих вчених “Комп’ютерні інтелектуальні системи та мережі” КІСМ-2022 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1w60I6UDaasDv4P994fH7922lBrm6I_aq/view
У ході роботи конференції відбувалася робота за такими напрямами:

1. Діагностика комп’ютерних систем та мереж.

2. Високопродуктивні комп’ютерні системи, паралельні та розподілені обчислення.

3. Проектування комп’ютерних систем та мереж.

4. Системне та прикладне програмування.

5. Комп’ютерні системи та мережі штучного інтелекту.

6. Промислові мережі, кіберфізичні системи, великі дані, Інтернет речей, мобільні та хмарні сервіси, засоби доповненої реальності.

7. Захист інформації в комп’ютерних системах та мережах.

Було здійснено 60 доповідей учасників з України та Киргизтану.Були учасники з університетів з Кривого Рогу, Харкова, Одеси, Херсону, Дніпра, Київа,Краматорська, Праці конференції можна передивитися за посиланням: https://sites.google.com/view/kicm/


Шановні колеги,за підтримки ГО УНІТ 12-13 травня 2022 року в м. Глівіце, Польща відбудеться 6-та Міжнародна конференція з комп’ютерної лінгвістики та інтелектуальних систем (COLINS’2022). З програмою конференції можна ознайомитися за посиланням https://colins.in.ua/conference-program/.


28 квітня 2022 р. за підтримки Українського науково-освітнього ІТ товариства на базі кафедри комп’ютерних систем, мереж і кібербезпеки Національного аерокосмічного університету “ХАІ” було проведено традиційну щорічну 13у Студентську НТК “ПЕРСпектИвні Комп’ютерні та мережні технології”, ПЕРСИК2022.

Генеральним спонсором конференції був Харківський ІТ Кластер. Конференція зібрала понад 80 учасників, було прослухано 52 доповіді на пленарному та 5 секційних засіданнях. Тематика виступів студентів ХАІ, ХНУРЕ, Харківського радіотехнічного коледжу була вельми цікавою: системи штучного інтелекту, інтернету речей, смарт системи, мобільні і веб-застосунки, кібербезпека і сучасні технології захисту інформації.



The 3rd International Workshop on Intelligent Information Technologies & Systems of Information Security (IntelITSIS-2022) will be held in Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine, during March 23-25, 2022.
The workshop is organized by Computer Engineering & Information Systems Department of Khmelnytskyi National University with the support of the PUBLIC ORGANIZATION “UKRAINIAN SCIENTIFIC AND EDUCATIONAL IT SOCIETY” (PО “USE IT”).

Participation and publication are free of charge.
Proceedings of the IntelITSIS-2022 shall be submitted to CEUR-WS.org (ISSN 1613-0073) and planned to be indexed in Scopus, Web of Science and DBLP.

Web-page of Workshop: http://ki.khnu.km.ua/intelitsis-2022/

Workshop topics

  • Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:       
  • Intelligent information technologies        
  • Systems of information security       
  • Computer systems and networks

Authors are invited to submit only regular paper (10-20 pages)in English.
One author (co-author) might submit a maximum of two papers
Your submission should be prepared using Microsoft Word CEUR-ART Template (see web-page of Workshop).
All papers for participation in the workshop should be submitted via EasyChair system: https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=intelitsis2022 (You must first log in to your EasyChair account, then follow this link!!!)

Additional important requirements for submission:

  • The title of paper should be not very long (until 13 words including THE, IN, FOR, etc.) and should be exactly corresponded to the research results which are discussed in the paper. Please, avoid using same words in the title of paper twice.
  • The paper should not have more than 5 co-authors.
  • Authors can submit only regular paper (10-20 pages).
  • Paper structure should generally include: Abstract; Keywords; Introduction; Related Works; Proposed methodology/model/technique; Results/Discussions; Conclusion; References.
  • The references list MUST NOT be very short or long without the need. It’s recommend that the references list consists of no more than 20-25 sources.
  • The authors ARE OBLIGED to use the results of international research in the references.
  • References should be, mostly, modern, NOT OLDER than 5-8 years.
  • Authors SHOULD NOT use references only to a narrow circle of authors from their educational institution or several institutions. One cascade (group) citation should be no more than 15% of all references.
  • Usually self-citation MUST NOT exceed 15% of all references.
  • Percentage of local publications (a total of your own and from your country) must be less than 20% in the Reference list.
  • All references should be presented in English and if it is strongly necessary – with notation (in Ukrainian), (in Russian), etc.
  • English MUST BE proofread.
  • The paper MUST follow the formatting rules. Please, pay your attention especially on font’s size and style used for paper title and section/subsection headers, figure and table captions. Please, double-check formatting style of the list of references.
  • The quality of all figures should be very high for good reproduction during CEUR publication. All illustrative figures should be provided by caption signatures. All abbreviations should be preliminary explained. The size of the letters and numbers in the formulas and in the formulas’ fragments in the text should be the same.


Paper submission deadline: before February 1, 2022 

Notification of acceptance: on March 4, 2022

Camera-ready submission deadline: before March 11, 2022       

Workshop period: March 23-25, 2022



6th International Conference on Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems (CoLInS2022)

We kindly invite you to the 6th International Conference on Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems (CoLInS2022) which will take place on April 7-8, 2022 at Lviv Polytechnic National University.

The registration is available at https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=colins2022 or the conference site https://colins.in.ua/ (“Registration” button).

The conference will be dedicated to the following topics and subtopics:


1.1. Natural Language Processing

1.2. Corpus Technologies, Ontologies and Computer Lexicography

1.3. Computer-Based Discourse Analysis and Social Media Analysis


2.1. Applied Intelligent Systems

2.2. Machine Learning Technology

The important dates are as follows:

Paper Submission deadline: 28 February 2022
Notification of acceptance: 21 March 2022
Notification for camera-ready: 31 March 2022
Conference: 7-8 April 2022

We are pleased to enclose detailed information in the attachment.

With kind regards,

CoLInS 2022 Organizing Committee


Шановні викладачі та студенти!

Оргкомітет запрошує Вас взяти участь у XV Всеукраїнській науково-практичній WEB конференції аспірантів, студентів та молодих вчених «Комп’ютерні інтелектуальні системи та мережі» (КІСМ-2022).

Конференція проводиться 22-24 березня 2022 року Криворізьким національним університетом (КНУ), кафедрою комп’ютерних систем та мереж (КСМ). Надається можливість прийняти участь у WEB конференції.

Участь у конференції є БЕЗКОШТОВНОЮ для всіх учасників.

ЗАЯВКА на участь у конференції заповнюється на сайті: https://sites.google.com/view/kicm/

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